Search and Filter
Clicking the search button will open up a search dialog box that allows a user to search for devices and rooms.
In many cases, an application may have so many rooms and views that it can be tedious to scroll to find
You can also see the number of rooms you have access to view. To the right of this, you can click Select to open up checkboxes that will allow you to select multiple rooms for multi-room recording.
Selecting a room or camera from this section will pull up the corresponding audio and video.
- Expand or collapse the room to see associated video streams.
- Device(s) inside a given room or view.
- Name of rooms.
Hide Left Panel
To make more room for the camera feed section, one can hide the left panel.
- Hide left panel
- Matrix view selector
- Full screen
Here is an example of the left bar being hidden.
Here is an example with a video feed loaded.
Matrix Views
- Single camera view
- Dual camera views
- Additional camera views (up to 9)