Template:Ubuntu 22.04 ISO VM Deployment

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Ubuntu 22.04 ISO VM Deployment

  1. Download the 22.04 ISO here
  2. Deploy the ISO in your Virtual Environment
  3. Launch the Console

  1. Select your Language.

  2. Verify your Keyboard configuration.

  3. Choose Ubuntu Server for the base installation.

  4. Select Continue without updating.

  5. Configure a network interface.

  6. Select either Automatic (DHCP) or Manual.
  7. If Manual

    Enter in the following information and click Save.

    The subnet VALT will be on including the subnet mask in CIDR notation.
    IP address of the VALT server.
    Default gateway of the subnet the VALT server is on.
    Name Servers:
    DNS servers.
    Search Domains:
    Enter in your institution’s search domain.

  8. Click Done.

  9. If your network has a proxy server, enter in the address, otherwise, click Done.
  10. Address should be in this form: http://[[username][:password]@host[:port]/

  11. Verify that the Ubuntu mirror location passes the network connectivity tests and click Done.

  12. Uncheck Set up this disk as an LVM group .

  13. Ensure Use an entire disk is selected and select Done.

  14. Verify the Storage Configuration and Select Done.

  15. Select Continue.

  16. Create the User Profile:

    Your Name: IVS Admin Your server’s name: ivs-valt Pick a username: ivsadmin Choose a password: @dmin51!! Confirm your password: @dmin51!!

    Check Skip for now

    Check off Install OpenSSH server Select No for Import SSH identity and select Done

    When prompted to add in Featured Server Snaps, just select Done

    The OS will be installed:

    When the Install complete is done, select Cancel update and reboot.