Template:VALT Server Migration

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Revision as of 07:34, 3 August 2022 by IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) (On the Old Server)
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Note: Change IP's in the below commands to match the IP's of the new and old server

On the Old Server

  1. Disable the Apache web service to prevent further recordings:
    sudo service apache2 stop
  2. Disable the restart Wowza cronjob:
    - Type in the following command:
    crontab -e
    - Press 1 to continue

Edit Cronjobs Command.png

  1. Comment out the following job:
  2. 0 3 * * * /usr/local/valt/bin/restartwowza

  3. Press CTRL + X to exit
  4. Press Y to save

Disable Restart Wowza Cronjob.png

  1. Type in the following, then press Enter:
  2. sudo chmod 777 -R /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/content/

  3. Type in the following, then press Enter:
  4. mysqldump -uivsadmin -p valt > valt.sql

  5. Enter in the mysql password

VALT Migration MySQLdump.png

  1. Copy over the database file to the new server
  2. scp valt.sql ivsadmin@NewServerIP:/home/ivsadmin/

  3. Enter password for ivsadmin

SCP MySQLdump.png

On the New Server

  1. Type in the following, then press Enter:
    mysql -uivsadmin -p valt
  2. Type in the password to MySQL.
    MySQL Login.png
  3. Type:
    DROP database valt;
    Database DROP.png
  4. Type:
    CREATE database valt;
    Database CREATE.png
  5. Type in the following, then press Enter:
  6. Type in the following, then press Enter:
    mysql -uivsadmin -p valt < valt.sql
  7. Enter the password for MySQL.
    Database IMPORT.png
  8. Type in the following, then press Enter:
    mysql -uivsadmin -p valt -e "UPDATE wowza SET address = 'NewServerIP'"
  9. Enter the password for MySQL.
    MySQL Wowza Update Address.png

Copy the Recordings Folder to the New Server

Copy the Recordings Folder to a New Server