Template:VALT Server Migration

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Revision as of 13:15, 2 August 2022 by IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) (On the Old Server)
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Note: Change IP's in the below commands to match the IP's of the new and old server

On the Old Server

Note: It is beneficial to stop the apache service on the old server to prevent further recording of videos on it
  1. Disable the Apache web service on the server to prevent further recordings
    sudo service apache2 stop
  2. Disable the restart Wowza cronjob:
    - Type in the following command:
    crontab -e
    - Enter the number 1:
    Edit Cronjobs Command.png

    - Comment out the following job:
    0 3 * * * /usr/local/valt/bin/restartwowza
    Disable Restart Wowza Cronjob.png
  3. Type in the following, then press Enter:
    sudo chmod 777 -R /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/content/
  4. Type in the following, then press Enter:
    mysqldump -uivsadmin -p valt > valt.sql
  5. Enter mysql password
    VALT Migration MySQLdump.png
  6. Type in the following, then press Enter:
    scp valt.sql ivsadmin@NewServerIP:/home/ivsadmin/
  7. Enter password for ivsadmin.
    SCP MySQLdump.png

On the New Server

  1. Type in the following, then press Enter:
    mysql -uivsadmin -p valt
  2. Type in the password to MySQL.
    MySQL Login.png
  3. Type:
    DROP database valt;
    Database DROP.png
  4. Type:
    CREATE database valt;
    Database CREATE.png
  5. Type in the following, then press Enter:
  6. Type in the following, then press Enter:
    mysql -uivsadmin -p valt < valt.sql
  7. Enter the password for MySQL.
    Database IMPORT.png
  8. Type in the following, then press Enter:
    mysql -uivsadmin -p valt -e "UPDATE wowza SET address = 'NewServerIP'"
  9. Enter the password for MySQL.
    MySQL Wowza Update Address.png

Copy the Recordings Folder to the New Server

Copy the Recordings Folder to a New Server