Containers are used within our software to segment different objects from different users. The objects that can currently be segmented into containers are: User Groups, Templates & Rooms. Containers are often used in higher educational clinical training applications, where more than one department is sharing a single server or server cluster.
An example would be a university putting in an IVS system to record student / patient interactions for both their Psychology and Speech Pathology programs. Containers would allow them do designate 3 levels of administrators.
Global: This level would see all the Users Groups, Users, Templates, Rooms & Cameras on the IVS system.
Psychology: This level would only see User Groups, Users, Templates, Rooms & Cameras assigned to the Psychology container.
Speech Pathology: This level would only see User Groups, Users, Templates, Rooms & Cameras assigned to the Speech Pathology container.
There is no limit to how many containers / sub containers can reside within our system.