Template:VALT Server Migration

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Revision as of 09:58, 18 May 2023 by IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) (On the New Server)
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Note: Change IP's in the below commands to match the IP's of the new and old server

On the Old Server

  1. Disable the Apache web service to prevent further recordings:
    sudo service apache2 stop
  2. Disable the restart Wowza cronjob:
    - Type in the following command:
    crontab -e
    - Press 1 to continue
Edit Cronjobs Command.png
  1. Comment out the following job:
  2. 0 3 * * * /usr/local/valt/bin/restartwowza

  3. Press CTRL + X to exit
  4. Press Y to save
Disable Restart Wowza Cronjob.png
  1. Type in the following, then press Enter:
  2. sudo chmod 777 -R /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/content/

  3. Type in the following, then press Enter:
  4. mysqldump -uivsadmin -p valt > valt.sql

  5. Enter in the MySQL password and press Enter:
VALT Migration MySQLdump.png
  1. Copy over the database file to the new server
  2. scp valt.sql ivsadmin@NewServerIP:/home/ivsadmin/

  3. Enter password for ivsadmin and press Enter:
SCP MySQLdump.png

On the New Server

  1. Type in the following and press Enter:
    mysql -uivsadmin -p valt
  2. Enter in the MySQL password and press Enter:
MySQL Login.png
  1. Type in the following and press Enter:
  2. DROP database valt;

 :Database DROP.png
  1. Type in the following and press Enter:
  2. CREATE database valt;

 :Database CREATE.png
  1. Type in the following and press Enter:
  2. exit

  3. Type in the following and press Enter:
  4. mysql -uivsadmin -p valt < valt.sql

  5. Enter in the MySQL password and press Enter:
Database IMPORT.png
  1. Type in the following and press Enter:
  2. mysql -uivsadmin -p valt -e "UPDATE wowza SET address = 'NewServerIP'"

  3. Enter in the MySQL password and press Enter:
MySQL Wowza Update Address.png

    It can be useful to run the migration in a screen session. Use screen -S video_migration to start a named session.

  1. Type in the following, then press Enter:
  2. sudo rsync -av --progress ivsadmin@OldServerIP:/usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/content/valt_recordings/* /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/content/valt_recordings/
  3. When prompted, type yes to continue connecting to the server:
  4. Type in the ivsadmin password and press Enter:
Rsync Recordings.png
  1. The video files will begin copying over to the new server and will look like this:
Video Copy 1.PNG
Video Copy 2.PNG

Things to note:

  • Depending on the amount of video files, it may take some time for all of the files to transfer
  • Assuming the copy is running at a full 1GB link, it will take about 2.8 hours per 1 TB of data
  1. After the video files are done copying over, you will see a confirmation message similar to the one below:
Rsync Confirmation.png
After the files have been copied over, navigate to the VALT webpage on the new server and verify that all of the files are there.