VALT Devices
{{Article | title = Audio First | content = VALT is compatible with Axis cameras. Within the large catalogue of cameras created by Axis, only a selection of them support external audio. This is the first filter that IVS uses when selecting cameras to use and recommend.
PTZ Cameras
PTZ stands for Pan-Tilt-Zoom, which are the three primary functions of the following cameras. This feature allows for remote directional control and zoom functionality, providing great flexibility for seeing your space and getting clear, close-up, video of important events.
🕮IVS utilizes the latest LTS firmware for the Axis devices.
⚠IVS does not recommend updating the firmware without consulting an IVS technician.
Fixed Cameras
Fixed cameras are stationary cameras that have a wide-angle lens, providing a broad view of a room.
🕮IVS utilizes the latest LTS firmware for the Axis devices.
⚠IVS does not recommend updating the firmware without consulting an IVS technician.