Template:VALT 6 Manual - Observe Back

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The Observe section is where live observation and recording takes place. On this page you can find the rooms, and streams that you have access to.

VALT 6.3 Manual-Observe 00.png

Here you will be able to do the following:

Not all features may be applicable for your application.

  • Perform live observation
  • Start and stop recordings
  • Control Pan/Tilt/Zoom cameras
  • Talkback into a room

Live Observation

Search & Filter

Clicking the search button will open up a search dialog box that allows a user to search for devices and rooms.

VALT 6.3 Manual-Observe 01.png

  1. Search

🕮See the search feature in action!
6 port io block.png

Try it out!

In many cases, an application may have so many rooms and views that it can be tedious to scroll to find

VALT 6.3 Manual-Observe 02.png

  1. All
  2. Rooms
  4. Streams


On this page you can see the number of rooms you have access to. To the right of this, the Select option is available for selecting multiple rooms.

🕮Multi-Room Recording
6 port io block.png

Try it out!

VALT 6.3 Manual-Observe 03.png

  1. Number of Rooms
  2. Select

Open a Room

Open a Stream

Share Settings

Lock Cameras

Matrix Views

VALT 6.3 Manual-Observe 06.png

  1. Single camera view
  2. Dual camera views
  3. Additional camera views (up to 9)

Fullscreen Mode

Hide Left Panel

To make more room for the camera feed section, one can hide the left panel.

VALT 6.3 Manual-Observe 05.png

  1. Hide left panel
  2. Matrix view selector
  3. Full screen

Here is an example of the left bar being hidden.

VALT 6.3 Manual-Observe 05 1.png
🕮Want to try hiding the left panel yourself?
6 port io block.png

Try it out!

Here is an example with a video feed loaded.

VALT 6.3 Manual-Observe 05 0.png


Recording Settings






Start a Recording

Prepare a Recording

Recording Options

Pause a Recording

Stop a Recording

Sharing Link



Quick Markers

Enable Audtio Mode

Add Mention

Attach a File

Open Comment Template

Select Color

Reset Timestamp


