IVS Wiki:VALT 6 Manual - Schedule
This section is used to schedule future recordings. Schedules can automatically start / stop recordings on a single or recurring instance.
Table View
View the scheduled recordings in a grid with columns for Name, Room, Author, Starts, Duration, and Repeat.
Sortable Column Headers
Clicking on any of these will sort results alphabetically on the selected column.
Edit a Schedule
Hover over a scheduled recording and click the pencil icon to modify the pre-defined Information, Sharing, Author, Retention, or Control.
Delete a Schedule
Hover over a scheduled recording and click the trash can icon to permanently remove from the schedule.
Timeline View
View the scheduled recordings in a daily calendar format, sorted by Room and Time of Day.
Add New Schedule
While in the Timeline View, click the plus button next to any room to create a new scheduled recording specifically for that room.
While in the Table View, search for any scheduled recording by typing in text from the Name, Room, or Author.
Clicking this button will pull up the new exception menu, exceptions being days where all scheduled recordings are suspended (example: holidays).
View All
View every day currently set as an exception. Clicking the X next to an exception will remove it from the list.
Add to Exceptions
Select a date, insert a name, and click this button to add the date to your exceptions list.
Add New Schedule
Clicking on this button in the upper right corner will pull up the new schedule menu.