IVS Wiki:VALT User Training Guide - Templates
Information templates are used to structure data entered into the system. Users are prompted to complete an information template when they press the Record, Prepare, or Schedule buttons. Each template can have multiple data fields, but at least one field is required. Users can be assigned multiple templates as needed.
✎Only admin-level users can create, edit, and assign information templates.
There are a variety of field types available when generating information templates. These field types are used to control and guide users in entering the correct information and associating it with recordings. The available field types include:
Field Types Explained
Text fields allow users to enter free-form text into a single-line input box. There is a 255-character limit on a text field, but any characters can be used.
Drop-down fields provide users with a predefined list of options, allowing them to select only one item.
⚠When names of people are used in a drop-down, they are in no way associated with a users' account.
Notes fields are used when users need a larger space to input more data. The notes field has built-in text wrapping, ensuring users can always see what they have typed. There is no character limit in a notes field.
🕮A general note field can be helpful at the end of a template for users to assign more information to a video that does not fit the other categories in the template.
Audio Notes
Audio notes fields allow users to associate audio recordings with the information in a recording. Note that the audio is not indexed or searchable. Audio is recorded using the client PC microphone or headset.
To create an audio note:
- Click the + 'Add audio' button.
- If not already enabled, your browser may request you Allow Access for microphone usage.
- Speak your notes.
- When done, click the • 'stop recording' button.
Multi-Select fields allow users to select multiple options from a predefined list.
Image fields allow users to add a static image to their template. The image will be displayed as part of the information associated with the recording.
File fields allow users to upload files to the template.
✎The allowed file types will be listed within your VALT system, including **.pdf, .xlsx, .doc**, etc.
Static Text
Static text fields are used to display text that describes a scenario or outlines requirements for how users should fill out the template. This text cannot be edited by the user.
Additional Information
Required Fields
When starting a recording, at minimum, the first field must be filled out. Additional fields may also be set as required before starting a recording.
- Optional
- This field type can be filled out or left blank.
- Required
- This field type must be completed before the user can start recording, prepare, or schedule.
- Pre-filled
- This field type contains predefined text but can be modified. If left unchanged, it will automatically populate with the default text.
Changing Information Templates
If a user group is assigned multiple templates, they can switch between them. To change templates:
- Locate the template drop-down menu at the top of the screen.
- Select the desired template from the list.