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What you will need

  1. ) server.key - key file
  2. ) ca.crt - The root CA or intermidiate certificate either in x509 format
  3. ) signed.crt - The signed certificate in x509 format

Converting the Cert

Converting x509 Cert and Key to pkcs12 file

Follow the steps below use the following syntax replacing cert name:

  1. ) openssl pkcs12 -export -in signed.crt -inkey server.key -out signed.p12 -name wowza -CAfile ca.crt -caname root
  2. ) Enter a password - example: admin51

Convert the pkcs12 file to a java keystore

Follow the steps below use the following syntax replacing cert name:

  1. ) keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore signed.jks -srckeystore signed.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -alias wowza
  2. ) Copy your .jks file to [Wowza folder]/conf and follow instruction for configuring Wowza for RTMPS

Configuring Wowza for RTMPS

  1. ) Edit the VHosts file "nano /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/conf/VHost.xml"
  2. ) Un-comment out section labeled 443 with SSL by removing the flags as shown below Rtmps1.jpg
  1. ) Within <Port> change the port number to 444
  2. ) Change <KeyStorePath> to match exported .jks file
  3. ) Change <KeyStorePassword> to match the previously entered password
  4. ) Press CTRL+X to Exit press Y to save and then pres ENTER
  5. ) type the following command to restart the Wowza service: service WowzaStreamingEngine restart

Configure Valt software for RTMPS

  1. ) Go to Admin-->Media Server(s) check the SSL checkbox and enter 444 as the port then press save
