Template:Privacy Button

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The VALT Privacy Button is a physical button that can be installed inside of a room that has cameras connected to VALT. This button allows a user to put a mask over the video and mute the audio, at the camera level. To enable and disable this privacy mode, a user must toggle the button.

Privacy Button On.png Privacy Button Disabled.png


22-4 accessory breakout.png

Between the cameras and the privacy button, there are two different cables. The first cable related to this is the one attached to the the physical button.

The physical button wires will look like this:

PrivacyButton StartButton.png

22-4 breakout.png

The second cable connection is the cable that will plug directly into the camera.

Axis IO Blocks

Of the supported cameras that IVS uses, many of the devices use I/O blocks to connect audio, power, and VALT accessories.

Axis camera io blocks.png