API Create Camera
This API call will add a new camera.
Resource URL
Resource Information
Method | POST |
Headers | Content-Type:application/json |
Response Type | JSON |
Authentication Required | Yes |
The JSON body must be properly formatted. All fields and values should be enclosed in double quotes and separated by a colon.
Field Name | Description | Required | Example |
name | Camera Name | yes | Camera 1 |
ip | Camera IP address or FQDN. | yes | |
camera_type | Device Type: Camera or Device (ipad, iphone, card reader) | no | camera |
device_type | Device Type: Camera or Device (ipad, iphone, card reader) | no | camera |
http_port | Port used for camera control. (Default: 80) | no | 80 |
rtsp_port | Port used for pulling the video stream from the camera. (Default: 554) | no | 554 |
username | Username to access the camera. | yes | root |
password | Password to access the camera. | yes | admin51 |
brand | Camera Brand (should be 1) | yes | 1 |
model | Camera Model Type (should be 1) | yes | 1 |
rooms | Array of rooms the camera will be assigned to | no | [37,29] |
wowza | ID of the media server the camera will be assigned to. | yes | 1 |
Code | Reason |
200 | Camera Created Successfully |
400 | Invalid Request (See Response for Specific Error) |
401 | Unauthorized |
500 | JSON Body Formatted Incorrectly |
data | |
id | ID number for the new camera. |
The sample JSON body below is formatted with line breaks and indentation to make it easier to read. This is not required.
{ "name":"API Camera", "ip":"", "username":"root", "password":"admin51", "wowza":1, "brand":1, "model":1, "rooms":[37,43] }
Successful Response
Sample response is shown with line breaks to make it more readable. Actual responses will not include line breaks.
{ "data":{ "id": 68 } }
Failure Response
Sample response is shown with line breaks to make it more readable. Actual responses will not include line breaks.
{ "data":{ "message": "Validation Error", "fields":[ { "name": "name", "message": "This value should not be blank." } ] }, "code": 400 }