API Media Details

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This API provides detailed information about a specific media server.

Resource URL


Replace {mediaserverid} with the actual id number of the media server. Media servers are numbered sequentially when added to VALT.

Resource Information

Method GET
Response Type JSON
Authentication Required Yes


No parameters can be passed to this call.


Code Reason
200 Request Successful
401 Unauthorized
JSON Response
id Media Server ID
name Media Server Name
address Media server FQDN or IP address.
port Communications port for streaming video. (Default: 1935 for unsecure, 444 for secure.)
ssl True or False (encryption enabled for video stream)
storage_folder Folder videos are stored in under /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/content/ (Default: valt_recordings)




Successful Response

Sample response is shown with line breaks to make it more readable. Actual responses will not include line breaks.

"id": 1,
"name": "localhost",
"address": "ivstest1.ad.ipivs.com",
"port": 444,
"ssl": true,
"storage_folder": "valt_recordings"

Failure Response

{"error":{"code":401,"message":"No API key provided"}}