API Filter Details

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This API provides a details for a specified filter.

Resource URL


Replace {filterid} with the actual id number of the filter. Filters are numbered sequentially when added to VALT.

Resource Information

Method GET
Response Type JSON
Authentication Required Yes


No parameters can be passed to this call.


Code Reason
200 Request Successful
401 Unauthorized
404 Filter ID Not Found
JSON Response
id Filter ID
name Filter Name
fields Array of fields utilized in the filter.
id Field ID
name Field Name
text Filter search criteria for specified field
field_id ? but definitely not the field ID
rooms Rooms included in filter.
id Room ID
name Room Name
author Users and Groups included in filter.
users User IDs
user_groups Group IDs
date Time frame for filter.
type Date filter type (Valid Values: none, days, weeks, range)
days Number of days (only included if filter type is days)
weeks Number of weeks (only included if filter type is weeks)
range Date range for filter. (only included if filter type is range)
date Filter start date
timezone Timezone for specified date range
date Filter end date.
timezone Timezone for specified date range




Successful Response

Sample response is shown with line breaks to make it more readable. Actual responses will not include line breaks.

"id": 1,
"name": "ddd",
"id": 1,
"name": "regular",
"text": null,
"field_id": null
"type": "none"

Failure Response

{"error":{"code":401,"message":"No API key provided"}}