API List Schedules

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This API provides a list of all currently configured schedules.

Resource URL


Resource Information

Method GET
Response Type JSON
Authentication Required Yes


No parameters can be passed to this call.


Code Reason
200 Request Successful
401 Unauthorized
JSON Response
schedules Array of JSON objects, one for each schedule.
id Schedule ID
name Schedule Name
template Array of metadata fields populated for this schedule.
author User that will own videos created by this schedule. May be different from the user that created the schedule.
id User ID
name User Name
room Room the schedule initiates recording in.
id Room ID
name Room Name
created Time schedule was created (epoch time)
start_at Time schedule will initiate recording (epoch time)
stop_at Time schedule will stop recording (epoch time)
duration Duration is seconds of the scheduled recording.
status pending or started
recurrence Recurring schedule information
type Recurring Schedule Type (Valid Values: weekly, monthly, daily, none)
weeks_range Days of the week the schedule will recur (0-6, 0=Sunday)
range_type When will recurring schedule end (Valid Value: no = no end date, after = fixed number of occurrences, by = will end of specified date)
end_after Number of Occurrences
end_by Date to end schedule on.
shared Videos created by this schedule will be shared with these users.
users List of user IDs videos created by this schedule will be shared with.
user_groups List of group IDs videos created by this schedule will be shared with.
blocked_schedules Array of schedule IDs that are completely blocked by another schedule.
conflict_schedules Array of schedule IDs that are partially blocked by another schedule.
total_count Total number of configured schedules.




Successful Response

Sample response is shown with line breaks to make it more readable. Actual responses will not include line breaks.

"id": 2,
"name": "Test Schedule",
"template": null,
"id": 1,
"name": "admin"
"id": 59,
"name": "Jared Test"
"created": 1586552400,
"start_at": 1586552400,
"stop_at": 1586552700,
"duration": 300,
"status": "pending",
"range_type": "no_end_date",
"type": "weekly"
"total_count": 1

Failure Response

{"error":{"code":401,"message":"No API key provided"}}