Deprecated Page - 2020 Schedule Hotfix

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DEPRECATED: This page is no longer maintained or updated. It is kept for archival purposes only.

  1. Connect to the VALT server via SSH.
  2. Download the hotfix for the appropriate VALT version
    5.1 Build 500: Type in the following, followed by pressing Enter: wget --content-disposition -O 2020_Schedule_Hotfix.tar.gz
    5.2 Build 570: Type in the following, followed by pressing Enter: wget --content-disposition -O 2020_Schedule_Hotfix.tar.gz
  3. Type in the following, followed by pressing Enter: tar -xvf 2020_Schedule_Hotfix.tar.gz
  4. Type in the following, followed by pressing Enter: cd 2020_Schedule_Build_XXX
    replace XXX with the appropriate build number (500 or 570)
  5. Type in the following, followed by pressing Enter: sudo ./schedulefix
  6. If prompted, enter the password.

You should now be able to schedule recordings for 2020.