IVS Repositories

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IVS Repositories

As of 5.7.x, IVS has adopted the use of apt repositories for software updates.

🕮To see what repositories are required for online updates, click here.

Performing Updates

When running apt updates, on a version of 5.7.x or newer, the VALT software will also be checked for updates. Depending on your system and version, varying VALT prompts may appear while running these updates. Such prompts include, but are not limited to, questions regarding certs, storage, and network configurations.

If you are unfamiliar with these prompts and the system configuration, caution is advised when updating the system.

VALT will be taken down during these updates.

Run apt Updates without Updating VALT

To avoid updating the VALT application, while running apt updates, a hold can be put on the ivs packages. This hold will tell apt to update all of the other packages except for the ones with the hold. This can be advantageous when wanting to upgrade other packages to the newest version, without updating VALT.

You can use the following commands to place a hold on these packages:

  • sudo apt-mark hold ivs-*

Once the packages are held, you can run the apt updates.

  • sudo apt update
  • sudo apt upgrade

Unhold the ivs Packages

To unhold these packages, so VALT is checked for updates, you can use the following command.

  • sudo apt-mark unhold ivs-*

Once the packages are unheld, you can run the apt updates.

  • sudo apt update
  • sudo apt upgrade