Installing BEAM

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Add an iOS Device on the Server

Important: Prior to adding any iOS devices, make sure that all user groups are configured with a default template for Information and Markers. If these settings are not specified, the iOS device will be unable to upload videos to the server.

1) Go to the client interface (using Chrome, Firefox, or other standard web browser).
2) Log in to the client (default username: “admin” password: “admin”).
3) Click on Admin -> Rooms -> Add Device.


4) Enter the rooms associated with the device.
5) Enter a name for the device.
6) Select the Device type (iPad/iPhone).
7) Click Save.
8) Locate the device in the list of devices and click on it.


9) Note the DeviceUID, as it will be needed to install the app on the iPad.
For additional information about iOS device configuration click here.

NOTE: The device status will show as offline, unless the device is placed into streaming mode. The device will also not be accessible for observation unless it is in streaming mode. This option is configured on the device itself.

🕮See the IVS BEAM Software User Guide for more information.

Ipad/Iphone Installation

1) Open the App Store by touching the App Store icon on your iPad or iPhone.


2) Touch the search field in the upper right corner and type in IVS Beam.


3) Touch Search.

4) Touch the Get/Install/Cloud icon to download the app.


5) After the installation is complete, touch Open to open the app.


6) You will be prompted to enter the Server Address, Device UID, username and password.

Server Address Enter the IP address or FQDN of the server. It must be entered as or if you are using SSL
Device UID You can obtain this by pulling up the iPad device on the server.
Username This must be a user with administrator rights.

NOTE: If you are utilizing SSL, you must have a cert signed by a trusted CA in order to connect an iOS device.

7) Touch Sync User Data.

8) You will now be prompted to enter your username. This should be the username of the individual that will be utilizing the device, as that is the user the videos will be stored under. The user can log out and another user can log in at any time.


9) Enter the username & pin code (if pin code has been assigned).

Important: A user must have recording rights in order to sign in to an iOS device.

10) Touch Login

The app is now configured. Please see the IVS BEAM Software User Guide for additional instructions.

IVS Beam Software User Guide

Install SSL Certificate for BEAM iPads

Install SSL Certificate Profile on the iPad

  1. Transfer the same SSL certificate installed on the VALT server to the iPad.
    • This could be done via email, OneDrive share link, Box share link, etc.
    • See more under Tools, below.
  2. Install the certificate profile onto the iPad by following one of these two methods:
    1. Click on the certificate file to begin the certificate profile install prompt
    2. Open Settings > General > Profile > select the VALT server certificate in the list > click Install at the top-right > click Install once again
  3. Enable full root trust for the certificate, per Apple's documentation.
  4. The SSL Certificate Profile is now installed.


You can access and download the certs from the VALT server by using this 3rd party app Inspect - View TLS certificate

Common Issues

I installed the SSL Certificate, but BEAM still isn't connecting to VALT
If the SSL Certificate installed on the VALT Server has multiple certificate chains, ensure each certificate chain is individually installed on the iPad.
I installed an SSL Certificate on the iPad, but I don't see it in the list of certificates to enable full root trust for
Only root certificates will appear in this list. All certificate chains need to be installed, but only the root certificate needs to have the full root trust enabled.