VALT User Training Guide - Recording Settings
Recording Settings
When starting, preparing, or watching a recording in progress, users can modify various settings for the reocrding.
These settings allow the user to manipulate the following items:
The Information tab allows users to assign data to a recording. This data can later be used to search for the recording.
This is the same template used when preparing or scheduling a recording. Each template can have multiple data fields, but at least one field is required. Users can be assigned multiple templates as needed.
🕮Want to learn more about Information Templates?
This button pulls up the evaluation menu. Evaluation templates are typically used during a recording, or after a recording is completed. Numeric values can be assigned to the fields within an evaluation form. This allows scoring to be done on each item and the overall form.
🕮Want to learn more about Evaluation Templates?
Allows the user to share the recording with users / user groups that normally would not have access to it.
Allows the user to change the author of the recording. Changing the author will also change all the permissions associated with who has access to the recording (that is all based on author).
Allows the user to change how long this recording is stored for before automatically being deleted.
- Default:
- Whatever the author's user group retention settings are set to will be automatically used.
- Keep For:
- Allows a user to define a number of days, hours, or minutes to keep a recording for.
- Keep Until:
- Allows users to select a future date that the recording will be deleted on.
- Keep Forever
- Leaves the video on the system until it is manually deleted.
⚠Once a video is deleted from the system, it cannot be recovered.