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(Video Player)
(5 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{{Article - Manual | content =  
<div class="floating_card">The review section is used to find and manage recordings.  Only recordings the active user has access to will show up under the review section.</div>
<h1>Search Screen</h1>
{{img with key | file = review_overview1.jpg | list =  
{{Manual lvl 2 | title = Date Range | content = The Date Range is used to filter the display results based on a date range.
<li><b>Navigation pane:</b> the navigation pane will collapse depending on browser width as shown above. To navigate to a different section, click the '''Section''' icon.</li>
<li><b>Date range:</b> this is used to define the range to display results.  The default start range is a definable setting in the '''Admin''' section.</li>
<li><b>Sortable Column Headers:</b> clicking on any of these will sort results on the selected column.</li>
{{Aside | content = The default range is defined by the active users group settings.}}
<li><b>Search:</b> This is used to narrow results. The search box applies to all information / marker fields associated with recordings.</li>
<li><b>Search Filter:</b> This section allows users to create and apply filters to the results. Filters are specific search queries that can be generated and saved.</li>
<li><b>View Mode:</b> this allows users to switch between list and thumbnail view for results.</li>
#Click the <strong>Date Range Filter</strong>.
<li><b>Export Options:</b> Export results to pdf or csv using the button.</li>
#Select a start date.
<li><b>Paginator:</b> if multiple pages of results are present (30 per page), you can use this to navigate between pages.</li>
#Select an end date.
{{img - resize | file = VALT 6.3 Manual-Review 03.png}}
{{Manual lvl 2 | title = View Mode | content = The view mode button can be used to toggle between a [[#List View|list view]] and a [[#Thumbnail View|thumbnail view]] of the results.}}
{{Manual lvl 3 | title = List View | content = The {{img - icon | file = Hamburger.png}} <strong>list view</strong> is the most common view for recordings. This view allows users to see the most information assigned to the video. This view can be customized to display the custom information being captured in the [[VALT_Manual_Observe#Information|information template]].}}
{{img - resize | file = VALT 6.3 Manual-Review 01.png}}
{{hr - 2}}
{{Manual lvl 3 | title = Thumbnail View | content = The {{img - icon | file = Thumbnail.png | width = 14px}} <strong>thumbnail view</strong> allows users to see an image preview of the reocrding.
{{Aside | content = The image in this preview cannot be changed.}} }}
{{img - resize | file = VALT 6.3 Manual-Review 00.png}}
{{Manual lvl 2 | title = Search | content = The {{img - icon | file = Search.png}} <strong>Search</strong> box can be used to filter results based on any search query.}}
{{img - resize | file = VALT 6.3 Manual-Review 02.png}}
{{Manual lvl 3 | title = Search a Specific Field | content =
1. Open the <strong>All fields</strong> drop down box.
2. Select the field you would like to filter by.
You can change the dropdown to limit search results to one of the following fields:
*<b>All feilds</b> <em>(default)</em>
*<b>Recording name</b>
*<b>Information fields</b>
*:<em>These are the [[VALT_Manual_Observe#Information|custom fields]] that you fill out when [[VALT_Manual_-_Observe#Start_a_Recording|starting a recording]].</em>
*<b>Room name</b>
*<b>Camera name</b>
{{Top of Page}}
{{Manual lvl 2 | title = Search Filters | content = Search filters allow users to set up a specific search result for reuse and can use a combination of the following:
<dt>Information </dt>
<dd>Creates a filter that uses fields from your [[VALT_User_Training_Guide_-_Templates#Information_Templates|information templates]].</dd>
<dd>Creates a filter that uses a specific room or rooms from your application.</dd>
<dd>Creates a filter that pulls recordings authored by certain users or groups.</dd>
<dd>Creates a filter that uses only certain rolling quick dates/weeks <em>(e.g. Last 30 days)</em>, or a range of specific calendar days <em>(e.g. Feb 2-Feb 9, 2025)</em>.</dd>
{{Manual lvl 3 | title = Add Filter | content =
#Click the {{img - icon | file = Filter.png | width = 14px}} <strong>Filter</strong> icon.
#Click {{Add Button}} Add filter.
#Name your filter.
#Click {{Add Button}} Add search field.
#Select the field type you would like to add.
#Click <strong>Save and Apply</strong>.
:<b>Optional Steps</b>:
:*Add additional fileds by clicking {{Add Button}} Add search field.
:*Go to the bottom and filter by the following criteria {{dash}} <strong>Rooms</strong>, <strong>Users & Groups</strong>, <strong>Date</strong>
{{Manual lvl 3 | title = Apply Filter | content =
#Click the {{img - icon | file = Filter.png | width = 14px}} <strong>Filter</strong> icon.
#Click on the filter you would like to use.
When a filter is applied, a {{Add Button 2 | icon = &#x2714; | color = #78d600 | font-size = 12px}} will appear next to the {{img - icon | file = Filter.png | width = 14px}} <strong>Filter</strong> icon.}}
{{Manual lvl 3 | title = Edit Filter | content =
#Click the {{img - icon | file = Filter.png | width = 14px}} <strong>Filter</strong> icon.
#Click the {{img - icon | file = Edit.png}} <strong>Edit</strong> icon.
#Edit your filter.
#Click <strong>Save and Apply</strong>.
{{Manual lvl 3 | title = Remove Filter | content =
#Click the {{img - icon | file = Filter.png | width = 14px}} <strong>Filter</strong> icon.
#Click the {{img - icon | file = Delete.png}} <strong>Delete</strong> icon.
#Click <strong>Delete</strong> to confirm your action.}}
{{Top of Page}}
{{Manual lvl 2 | title = Upload | content = The upload feature can be used to upload recordings made outside of VALT into the VALT application for management.
#Click <strong>Upload</strong> in the top right corner.
#Fill out the [[VALT_Manual_Observe#Information|information]] relevant to the recording.
#Attach the video file.
#Click <strong>Upload</strong>
{{Aside | content = The video will need time to process for uploading. The size of the video will impact the uploading time.}}
<b>Max file size</b>: 16GB
<b>Allowed file types</b>: .mp4, .asf, .mov, .qt, .mkv, .avi
{{img - resize | file = VALT 6.3 Manual-Review 04.png}}
{{Top of Page}}
{{Manual lvl 2 | title = Export | content = The {{img - icon | file = Export.png | width = 14px}} <strong>Export</strong> button can be used to download a PDF or CSV summary of the information associated with the results displayed.}}
{{img - resize | file = VALT 6.3 Manual-Review 05.png}}
{{Manual lvl 3 | title = Export to PDF | content =
#Click the {{img - icon | file = Export.png | width = 14px}} <strong>Export</strong> button.
#Select <strong>Export to PDF</strong>.
{{hr - 2}}
{{Manual lvl 3 | title = Export to CSV | content =
#Click the {{img - icon | file = Export.png | width = 14px}} <strong>Export</strong> button.
#Select <strong>Export to CSV</strong>.
{{Top of Page}}
{{Manual lvl 2 | title = Paginator | content = If multiple pages of results are present <em>(12, 24, or 48 based on view)</em>. You can use this to navigate between pages.}}
{{img - resize | file = VALT 6.3 Manual-Review 06.png}}
{{Top of Page}}
<h1>Table View</h1>
{{Manual lvl 2 | title = Sortable Column Headers | content = Clicking on any of the tabs will sort the results in ascending or decending order, based on the content in that tab.}}
{{img - resize | file = VALT 6.3 Manual-Review 07.png}}
{{Top of Page}}
{{Manual lvl 2 | title = Multi-Select | content = This is used to select multiple items at once. This can be used to [[#Export_2|export information]] for just the selected videos or to [[#Delete|delete multiple videos at once]].}}
{{img - resize | file = VALT 6.3 Manual-Review 08.png}}
{{Manual lvl 3 | title = Export | content = Selected items can be exported to CSV or PDF.
#{{Add Button | icon = &#x2714; | font-size = 12px}} Check the boxes for the desired recording.
#Click the {{img - icon | file = Export.png | width = 14px}} <strong>Export</strong> button.
#Select <strong>Export to PDF</strong> or <strong>Export to CSV</strong>.
{{hr - 2}}
{{Manual lvl 3 | title = Delete | content = Selected items can be deleted en masse.
#{{Add Button | icon = &#x2714; | font-size = 12px}} Check the boxes for the desired recording.
#Click the {{img - icon | file = Delete.png}} <strong>Delete</strong> icon.
#Confirm the deletion.
{{Aside - Warning | content = Once a video is deleted, it cannot be restored.}}
{{Top of Page}}
{{Manual lvl 2 | title = View a Recording | content = Clicking a <b>Recording Name</b> will bring up the video of said recording.
This will bring you to the [[#Video Review|video review section]].}}
{{Top of Page}}
{{Manual lvl 2 | title = Room | content = The <b>Room</b> column shows you which room a recording occured in. If a video is uploaded to the application, no room will be listed.
If a user has admin access, clicking a room will bring up the <b>Rooms & Cameras<b> section of the <b>Settings</b>.}}
{{Top of Page}}
{{Manual lvl 2 | title = Author | content = The <b>Author</b> column shows you which user owns the video. Authorship determines who has access to see the recording.
If a user has admin access, clicking the author of a recording will bring up the <b>Users & Groups</b> section of the <b>Settings</b>.}}
{{Top of Page}}
{{Manual lvl 2 | title = Comments | content = Clicking on the <b>Comment(s)</b> will open the comment pane of the recording. The recording will be paused at the timestamp of the first comment.}}
{{Manual lvl 3 | title = Show More Comments | content = Clicking this button will display all other [[#Comments_2|comments]] from the recording and allow a user to jump to the timestamp of any comment.}}
{{img - resize | file = VALT 6.3 Manual-Review 09.png}}
{{Top of Page}}
{{Manual lvl 2 | title = Additional Video Options | content = With the proper group permissions, users will also have the ability to:
*{{img - icon | file = Edit.png}} [[#Edit a Recording| Edit a Recording]]
*{{img - icon | file = Download.png}} [[#Download a Recording|Download a Recording]]
*{{img - icon | file = Delete.png}} [[#Delete a Recording|Delete a Recording]]
{{img with key | file = review_overview2.jpg | list =  
{{img - resize | file = VALT 6.3 Manual-Review 10.png}}
<li><b>Multi-Select:</b> this is used to select multiple items at once.</li>
<li><b>Recording Name:</b> clicking on this will launch the video player.</li>
{{hr - 2}}
<li><b>Options Button:</b> clicking this will bring up a sub menu listing options the user can perform on this recording based on the users rights.</li>
{{Manual lvl 3 | title = Edit a Recording | content = With the correct permissions, users can edit various components of the video.
#Hover over the video you would like to edit.
#Click the {{img - icon | file = Edit.png}} <strong>Edit</strong> icon.
#Select the option you would like to edit.
{{img with key | file = review_overview3.jpg | list =  
{{hr - 2}}
<li><b>Marker Expand:</b> clicking on the down arrow will expand the selection and reveal all the additional markers associated with the recording. </li>
<li><b>Marker Decrease:</b> clicking on the up arrow will hide additional markers associated with the recording.</li>
{{Manual lvl 3 | title = Download a Recording | content = With the correct permissions, users can download the VALT recordings to their computer as an MP4 file.
<li><b>Markers:</b> clicking on a marker will launch the video player and automatically take the user to that point in the recording.</li>
#Hover over the video you would like to download.
#Click on the {{img - icon | file = Download.png}} <strong>Download</strong> icon.
#Pick the location on your machine where you would like to store the video.
{{Aside | content = Videos can only be downloaded one at a time.}}
{{hr - 2}}
{{img with key | file = review_overview4.jpg | list =  
<li><b>Options:</b> clicking on options will bring up a sub menu of options based on user rights as shown above.</li>
{{Manual lvl 3 | title = Delete a Recording | content = With the correct permissions, users can delete recordings from the system.
<li><b>Information:</b> selecting this will allow the user to view / edit information associated with the recording.  Clicking the arrow and choosing pdf will make a pdf and download it to the users download folder, including the information & markers associated with the recording.</li>
<li><b>Sharing:</b> allows the user to share the recording with users / user groups that normally would not have access to it.</li>
<li><b>Retention:</b> allows the user to change how long this recording is stored for before automatically being deleted.</li>
#Hover over the video you would like to delete.
<li><b>Change Author:</b> allows the user to change the author of the recording. Changing the author will also change all the permissions associated with who has access to the recording (that is all based on author).</li>
#Click the {{img - icon | file = Delete.png}} <strong>Delete</strong> icon.
<li><b>Download:</b> will bring up a sub menu with download options.</li>
#Confirm your deletion.
<li><b>Delete:</b> will delete the recording.</li>
{{Aside - Warning | content = Once a video is deleted, it cannot be restored.}}
{{img with key | file = review_overview5.jpg | list =  
<li><b>Mult-Select:</b> checking the checkbox to the left of a recording will select (highlight) the recording. Checking the top checkbox will select all the recordings on the page.</li>
{{Top of Page}}
<li><b>Multi-Options:</b> when one or more recordings are selected, the options button in the top column header will highlight. Clicking on that button will bring up a sub menu of actions that can be applied to all selected recordings.</li>
<h1>Video Review</h1>
{{:VALT Manual - Comments}}
{{:VALT User Training Guide - Recording Settings}}
{{Top of Page}}
{{Manual lvl 2 | title = Make a Clip | content = Within the {{img - icon | file = Clip.png | width = 16px}} <strong>Make a clip</strong> section, users have the ability to [[#Create a Clip|create clips]] or [[#Cut Out| redact]] a section from a video.
{{Aside - Helpful | content = These processes do not remove the original video. It creates a copy of the recording that has the edited version.}}
{{img - resize | file = VALT 6.3 Manual-Review 11.png}}
{{img with key | file = review_overview6.jpg | list =  
<li><b>Download:</b> selecting '''Download''' will pull up a list of sub options as shown in the image above.</li>
{{Manual lvl 3 | title = Create Clip | content = Use a selected section to create a second video file titled “<em>Original Name(Clip)</em>” while maintaining the original file.
<li>Selecting a camera (if multiple cameras are associated each one will have its own link) will download that camera's video directly to the user's download folder.  It is saved as a standard .mp4 file.</li>
<li><b>Create Audio Only:</b> this option will strip out the audio and convert it to an .mp3 file.  Clicking this will launch a progress bar when the file has been generated this option will change from '''Create Audio Only''' to '''Audio'''. Clicking on '''Audio''' will download the .mp3 file.</li>
<li><b>Create Multiview:</b> this option will merge up to 4 video files together (the videos associated with the recording) to create a single mp4 file. Clicking this will launch a progress bar, when the file has been generated it will change from '''Create Multiview''' to '''Multiview''' clicking on '''Multiview''' will download the merged mp4 file.</li>
#While reviewing the video, click the {{img - icon | file = Clip.png | width = 16px}} <strong>Make a clip</strong> button.
#On the timeline, highlight the desired section of video.
#Click {{img - icon | file = Review.png | width = 16px}} <strong>Create Clip</strong>.
Your clip will now be available on the review page.
==Thumbnail View==
{{hr - 2}}
{{img with key | file = review_thumbnail.jpg | list =  
{{Manual lvl 3 | title = Cut Out | content = Remove the selected section creating a second video file titled “<em>Original Name(Redact)</em>” while maintaining the original file.
<li><b>Play:</b> clicking the image will launch that recording in the video player.</li>
<li><b>Show More Information:</b> clicking this link will reveal additional information and options associated with the recording.</li>
<li><b>Paginator:</b> switch to another page of recordings</li>
#While reviewing the video, click the {{img - icon | file = Clip.png | width = 16px}} <strong>Make a clip</strong> button.
#On the timeline, highlight the desired section of video.
#Click {{img - icon | file = Clip.png | width = 16px}} <strong>Cut Out</strong>.
Your edited video will now be available on the review page.
{{img with key | file = review_thumbnail2.jpg | list =  
<li><b>Markers:</b> after '''Show More Information''' is clicked, if any markers are present in the video, they will show up as shown above.  Clicking on a marker will take the user to that point in the video.</li>
{{Top of Page}}
<li><b>Options:</b> clicking options will pull up a menu of actions that can be performed on the selected recording.</li>
{{Manual lvl 2 | title = Share Settings | content =
The {{img - icon | file = Link.png | width = 14px}} <strong>share settings</strong> icon allows you to share videos with users who do not have VALT Accounts. If a user without an account opens the link, they will only see the VALT room that was shared with them.
<center>{{img | file = VALT 6.3 Manual-Observe 20.png}}</center>
==Video Player==
<div class="floating_card">The VALT Video Player launches whenever a recording name is clicked within the VALT interface.</div> 
{{img with key | file = Player1_1.png | list =  
{{Manual lvl 3 | title = Create Sharing Link | content =
<li><b>Marker Dropdown:</b> all markers associated with the recording will appear in the dropdown list. Selecting a marker name will jump the video to that specific marker.</li>
#Click on the {{img - icon | file = Link.png | width = 14px}} <strong>share settings</strong> icon.
<li><b>Information:</b> clicking this button will pull up the information associated with the recording and allow the user to edit the information template, if they have the proper rights.</li>
#Select an expiration for the sharing link.
<li><b>Evaluation:</b> this button pulls up the evaluation menu.</li>
#*<b>No expiration</b> <em>(default)</em>
<li><b>Markers:</b> this button pulls up the marker menu.</li>
#*:<em>Will never expire but can manually be removed later.</em>
<li><b>Tools:</b> this button pulls up the tools menu.</li>
#*<b>End after date</b>
<li><b>Sharing Link:</b> this button enables a direct sharing link that can be copied and shared.</li>
#*:<em>Select a date when the link will no longer be valid.</em>
#*<b>End after period</b>
#*:<em>Specify the duration(Days/Hours) of time for which the link will be valid.</em>  
#Click the ‘<strong>New Share Link</strong>button.
{{img with key | file = Player1_2.png | list =  
{{hr - 2}}
<li><b>Camera Selection:</b> using this drop down menu, the user can switch to a specific camera or view all cameras as shown above.</li>
<li><b>Digital Zoom:</b> this slider allows the user to digital zoom on the image.  To adjust the view area, the user can click and drag around the image.</li>
{{Manual lvl 3 | title = Copy Sharing Link | content =
#Click on the {{img - icon | file = Link.png | width = 14px}} <strong>share settings</strong> icon.
#Click the ‘<strong>Copy Link</strong>’ button.
{{img with key | file = Player1_3.png | list =  
{{hr - 2}}
<li><b>Player Controls:</b> play button (will change to pause when playback is enabled), step back (goes back 10 seconds), step forward (goes forward 10 seconds).</li>
<li><b>Marker Indicators:</b> markers are plotted on the timeline with the designated marker color as shown above.</li>
{{Manual lvl 3 | title = Delete Sharing Link | content =
<li><b>Audio Level:</b> this icon is used to control / mute the audio level.</li>
#Click the {{img - icon | file = Link.png | width = 14px}} <strong>share settings</strong> icon.
<li><b>Playback Speed:</b> this button can be used to change the playback speed.</li>
#Click the {{img - icon | file = Delete.png}} <strong>Delete</strong> icon.
<li><b>Full Screen:</b> clicking this icon will pull up the video in full screen mode.</li>
{{Top of Page}}
[[Category:VALT 6.3]]

Latest revision as of 17:17, 13 March 2025

Search Screen

Date Range

The Date Range is used to filter the display results based on a date range.

The default range is defined by the active users group settings.

  1. Click the Date Range Filter.
  2. Select a start date.
  3. Select an end date.

VALT 6.3 Manual-Review 03.png

View Mode

The view mode button can be used to toggle between a list view and a thumbnail view of the results.

List View

The icon list view is the most common view for recordings. This view allows users to see the most information assigned to the video. This view can be customized to display the custom information being captured in the information template.

VALT 6.3 Manual-Review 01.png

Thumbnail View

The icon thumbnail view allows users to see an image preview of the reocrding.

The image in this preview cannot be changed.

VALT 6.3 Manual-Review 00.png


The icon Search box can be used to filter results based on any search query.

VALT 6.3 Manual-Review 02.png

Search a Specific Field

1. Open the All fields drop down box.

2. Select the field you would like to filter by.

You can change the dropdown to limit search results to one of the following fields:

  • All feilds (default)
  • Recording name
  • Information fields
    These are the custom fields that you fill out when starting a recording.
  • Room name
  • Camera name
  • Author
  • Comments

⇧ Back to Top

Search Filters

Search filters allow users to set up a specific search result for reuse and can use a combination of the following:

Creates a filter that uses fields from your information templates.
Creates a filter that uses a specific room or rooms from your application.
Creates a filter that pulls recordings authored by certain users or groups.
Creates a filter that uses only certain rolling quick dates/weeks (e.g. Last 30 days), or a range of specific calendar days (e.g. Feb 2-Feb 9, 2025).

Add Filter

  1. Click the icon Filter icon.
  2. Click + Add filter.
  3. Name your filter.
  4. Click + Add search field.
  5. Select the field type you would like to add.
  6. Click Save and Apply.

Optional Steps:
  • Add additional fileds by clicking + Add search field.
  • Go to the bottom and filter by the following criteria — Rooms, Users & Groups, Date

Apply Filter

  1. Click the icon Filter icon.
  2. Click on the filter you would like to use.

When a filter is applied, a will appear next to the icon Filter icon.

Edit Filter

  1. Click the icon Filter icon.
  2. Click the icon Edit icon.
  3. Edit your filter.
  4. Click Save and Apply.

Remove Filter

  1. Click the icon Filter icon.
  2. Click the icon Delete icon.
  3. Click Delete to confirm your action.

⇧ Back to Top


The upload feature can be used to upload recordings made outside of VALT into the VALT application for management.

  1. Click Upload in the top right corner.
  2. Fill out the information relevant to the recording.
  3. Attach the video file.
  4. Click Upload

The video will need time to process for uploading. The size of the video will impact the uploading time.

Max file size: 16GB

Allowed file types: .mp4, .asf, .mov, .qt, .mkv, .avi

VALT 6.3 Manual-Review 04.png

⇧ Back to Top


The icon Export button can be used to download a PDF or CSV summary of the information associated with the results displayed.

VALT 6.3 Manual-Review 05.png

Export to PDF

  1. Click the icon Export button.
  2. Select Export to PDF.

Export to CSV

  1. Click the icon Export button.
  2. Select Export to CSV.

⇧ Back to Top


If multiple pages of results are present (12, 24, or 48 based on view). You can use this to navigate between pages.

VALT 6.3 Manual-Review 06.png

⇧ Back to Top

Table View

Sortable Column Headers

Clicking on any of the tabs will sort the results in ascending or decending order, based on the content in that tab.

VALT 6.3 Manual-Review 07.png

⇧ Back to Top


This is used to select multiple items at once. This can be used to export information for just the selected videos or to delete multiple videos at once.

VALT 6.3 Manual-Review 08.png


Selected items can be exported to CSV or PDF.

  1. Check the boxes for the desired recording.
  2. Click the icon Export button.
  3. Select Export to PDF or Export to CSV.


Selected items can be deleted en masse.

  1. Check the boxes for the desired recording.
  2. Click the icon Delete icon.
  3. Confirm the deletion.

Once a video is deleted, it cannot be restored.

⇧ Back to Top

View a Recording

Clicking a Recording Name will bring up the video of said recording.

This will bring you to the video review section.

⇧ Back to Top


The Room column shows you which room a recording occured in. If a video is uploaded to the application, no room will be listed.

If a user has admin access, clicking a room will bring up the Rooms & Cameras<b> section of the <b>Settings.

⇧ Back to Top


The Author column shows you which user owns the video. Authorship determines who has access to see the recording.

If a user has admin access, clicking the author of a recording will bring up the Users & Groups section of the Settings.

⇧ Back to Top


Clicking on the Comment(s) will open the comment pane of the recording. The recording will be paused at the timestamp of the first comment.

Show More Comments

Clicking this button will display all other comments from the recording and allow a user to jump to the timestamp of any comment.

VALT 6.3 Manual-Review 09.png

⇧ Back to Top

Additional Video Options

With the proper group permissions, users will also have the ability to:

VALT 6.3 Manual-Review 10.png

Edit a Recording

With the correct permissions, users can edit various components of the video.

  1. Hover over the video you would like to edit.
  2. Click the icon Edit icon.
  3. Select the option you would like to edit.

Download a Recording

With the correct permissions, users can download the VALT recordings to their computer as an MP4 file.

  1. Hover over the video you would like to download.
  2. Click on the icon Download icon.
  3. Pick the location on your machine where you would like to store the video.

Videos can only be downloaded one at a time.

Delete a Recording

With the correct permissions, users can delete recordings from the system.

  1. Hover over the video you would like to delete.
  2. Click the icon Delete icon.
  3. Confirm your deletion.

Once a video is deleted, it cannot be restored.

⇧ Back to Top

Video Review


Users are able to leave comments in the video. These comments are attached to the user leaving the comment and are timestamped in the videos timeline.

VALT 6.3 Manual-Observe 24.png


Comments can be added in many ways. The most simple, is a standard comment.

  1. Go to a room that is recoding.
  2. Click on the icon Comments button.
  3. Click on the text field in the bottom left of the screen.
  4. Enter the text for your comment.
  5. Press Enter or click on the icon Send comment button.

🕮Admins can grant access to comments in the User & Groups settings.

▶️ Check out our video about enabling comments!

Quick Markers

Selection of pre-defined comments for adding to a recording, set up in the Templates section of the VALT Settings.

Enable Audio Mode

This feature allows a user to record an audio comment instead of free text.

Add Mention

Use the icon Mention icon to direct a comment towards another VALT user.

Only the tagged user or group will see this comment.

Attach a File

The attach file icon allows users to include a file in the comments for others to download.

Open Comment Template

The icon hamburger button allows users to fill in pre-set fields, created in the comments template section of the VALT Settings.

Select Color

You can use the icon color button to change the color of the marker on the timeline.

Reset Timestamp

During live observation of a recording, when typing a comment, the timestamp will correlate to the time the comment was started. Click the icon Reset Timestamp button to update the time to the current time.


Hover over a comment and click the icon Reply icon to direct a response that a specific post.


To make a change to an existing comment, hover over the comment and click the icon Edit icon.


Hover over a comment and click the icon Delete icon to delete the comment.

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Recording Settings

When starting, preparing, or watching a recording in progress, users can modify various settings for the reocrding.

These settings allow the user to manipulate the following items:


The Information tab allows users to assign data to a recording. This data can later be used to search for the recording.

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This is the same template used when preparing or scheduling a recording. Each template can have multiple data fields, but at least one field is required. Users can be assigned multiple templates as needed.

🕮Want to learn more about Information Templates?


This button pulls up the evaluation menu. Evaluation templates are typically used during a recording, or after a recording is completed. Numeric values can be assigned to the fields within an evaluation form. This allows scoring to be done on each item and the overall form.

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🕮Want to learn more about Evaluation Templates?


Allows the user to share the recording with users / user groups that normally would not have access to it.

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Allows the user to change the author of the recording. Changing the author will also change all the permissions associated with who has access to the recording (that is all based on author).

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Allows the user to change how long this recording is stored for before automatically being deleted.

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Whatever the author's user group retention settings are set to will be automatically used.
Keep For:
Allows a user to define a number of days, hours, or minutes to keep a recording for.
Keep Until:
Allows users to select a future date that the recording will be deleted on.
Keep Forever
Leaves the video on the system until it is manually deleted.

Once a video is deleted from the system, it cannot be recovered.

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Make a Clip

Within the icon Make a clip section, users have the ability to create clips or redact a section from a video.

🕮These processes do not remove the original video. It creates a copy of the recording that has the edited version.

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Create Clip

Use a selected section to create a second video file titled “Original Name(Clip)” while maintaining the original file.

  1. While reviewing the video, click the icon Make a clip button.
  2. On the timeline, highlight the desired section of video.
  3. Click icon Create Clip.

Your clip will now be available on the review page.

Cut Out

Remove the selected section creating a second video file titled “Original Name(Redact)” while maintaining the original file.

  1. While reviewing the video, click the icon Make a clip button.
  2. On the timeline, highlight the desired section of video.
  3. Click icon Cut Out.

Your edited video will now be available on the review page.

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Share Settings

The icon share settings icon allows you to share videos with users who do not have VALT Accounts. If a user without an account opens the link, they will only see the VALT room that was shared with them.

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Create Sharing Link

  1. Click on the icon share settings icon.
  2. Select an expiration for the sharing link.
    • No expiration (default)
      Will never expire but can manually be removed later.
    • End after date
      Select a date when the link will no longer be valid.
    • End after period
      Specify the duration(Days/Hours) of time for which the link will be valid.
  3. Click the ‘New Share Link’ button.

Copy Sharing Link

  1. Click on the icon share settings icon.
  2. Click the ‘Copy Link’ button.

Delete Sharing Link

  1. Click the icon share settings icon.
  2. Click the icon Delete icon.

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