Deletion log
Below is a list of the most recent deletions.
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)- 18:55, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Uploading Media (content was: "'''Overview:''' The upload function allows users to add video recorded using 3rd party devices to the system for security...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:55, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Updating the Valt Software Via the Command Line (content was: "'''WARNING: The steps below outline using an automated script to update the Valt appliance. It is designed to be used on s...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:54, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Search and Review (content was: "'''Overview:''' To review a recording click on the Review button or link as shown below. File:7.jpg '''Search Criter...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:54, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Supported Browsers 5.0 (content was: "==Desktop Browsers== {| class="wikitable" | Image | Browser | Tested Version | Full Screen Features | Recommended 1-5 | N...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:54, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Supported Browsers 4.0 (content was: "==Desktop Browsers== {| class="wikitable" | Image | Browser | Tested Version | Full Screen Features | Recommended 1-5 | N...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:53, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Start & Stop Button (content was: "One option to start and or stop a recording is to use a simple momentary contact button, integrated or independent of the...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:52, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Sharing (content was: "The Valt sharing function is used to share video files with users that normally do not have access to a recording. The sha...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:52, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Setting Time Zone (content was: ": 1.) From a desktop / laptop computer connect to the server using putty ( Default IP: 192.168....", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:52, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Setting NTP (content was: "# Connect to the Valt Server using a desktop or laptop machine via Putty. # Type in the following, and then press Enter: <...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:52, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Servers Table (content was: "{| class="wikitable" | Model Name | Form Factor | Dimensions | Max Cameras 720P | Max Cameras 1080P | Storage | OS RAID |...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:51, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Server Specifications (content was: "* Network Requirements * C1X03 Cube Server * T4X07 Tower Server|T4X07 Tow...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:51, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Schedule Section Overview (content was: "The schedule section is used to set up recordings in advance or set up recurring (repeating) recordings. ==Schedule List...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:51, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Rooms (content was: "==What are Rooms== Rooms within the Valt application act like containers for cameras and other devices. You can have 1-9 c...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:51, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Review Section Overview (content was: "The Review section is used to review and manage existing recordings. File:Review.jpg #) Start and End date(s): these...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:51, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Review Options (content was: "=Overview= File:options.jpg =Information= In the Valt software information is considered data that is tied to a recor...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:50, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Retention (content was: "Retention is used to control how long a recording is stored on the Valt server before it is automatically deleted. Retent...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:49, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page IVS Server Options (content was: "{| class="wikitable" | Model Name | Form Factor | Dimensions | Max Cameras 720P | Max Cameras 1080P | Storage | OS RAID |...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:49, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page IO Delay (content was: "Implementing an I/O Delay can help with buggy Axis firmware (M5525-E), and prevent double taps on the button. : 1.) SSH...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:48, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Home Section Overview (content was: "File:Home.jpg #) Application logo. This can be modified by an administrator. #) User settings for active logged in us...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:48, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Home Screen (content was: "The home section is designed to give a user an overview of recent activity on the system. File:home1.jpg #) Navigat...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:47, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Firefox (content was: "1) Right-click on the video control to document the version number as shown below. 900px 2) Click on...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:47, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Downloading Video (content was: "'''Downloading Video:''' 1) Under the Review section search and find the video you are looking to download. Click the op...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:47, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Client PC Requirements 5.0 (content was: " =Hardware Requirements= For the maximum number of camera that can be observed simultaneously during live observation, see...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:46, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Client PC Requirements 4.0 (content was: "=Hardware Requirements= For the maximum number of camera that can be observed simultaneously during live observation, see...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:46, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Chrome (content was: "1) Right-click on the video control to document the version number as shown below. 900px 2) Click on...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:45, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Card Reader (content was: "Access control readers can be configured to start and/or stop a recording with the Valt software. Readers are tied to roo...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:45, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Camera Settings7 (content was: "The following camera settings should be enabled prior to adding the camera to the Valt system. 1) Browse to the camera ad...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:44, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Camera Network Requirements (content was: "The following ports need to be open between the server and cameras for application communication purposes: a. TCP 80...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:44, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Button (content was: "One option to start and or stop a recording is to use a simple momentary contact button, integrated or independent of the...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:44, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Beam User Guide (content was: "=Starting Beam= : 1. ) Touch the '''IVS Beam''' app icon. 300x400px : 2. ) You should be prompted to l...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:43, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Beam Admin Guide (content was: "=Adding Beam Device to Server= '''Important: ''' Prior to adding any iOS devices, make sure that all user groups are conf...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:42, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Author (content was: "A recording inherents all of its default attributes based off of it's authors permissions. These attributes include: who...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:42, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Assigning an IP Address (content was: "1) Ensure the server is plugged in and both network ports on the back are connected to the proper switch / vlan. 2) From...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:42, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Alerts (content was: "==What are alerts== Alerts are notifications that often require action. An example of an alert is "camera offline" or "lo...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:41, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Administrator Video Training (content was: "{{#ev:youtube|yLM_4aNgXGw}} {{#ev:youtube|CxLRdkTbHi8}} {{#ev:youtube|kInCsx4ktag}} {{#ev:youtube|sfE3bXEiRw4}}", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:41, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Admin Users and Groups (content was: "To access the user & group admin management click on the User & Groups button under the admin section. The users and group...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:41, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Admin Templates (content was: "'''Adding a Template:''' Click on the Add button under the template section to create a new template. a. Give the...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:41, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Admin Rooms (content before blanking was: "'''Rooms Overview:''' Under the admin section click on the Rooms button as shown below. Rooms act like named containers. To add cameras to your system you will first need to create the rooms then add the cameras to the s...")
- 18:41, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Admin Media Server (content was: "This portion of the application handles all the communication with the cameras and video streams being served out to the c...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:40, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Admin Help (content was: "'''Help Overview:''' To access the admin help management click on the Help button under the admin section as shown below....", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:40, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Admin General (content was: "The General page in the Administration section of the Valt application is used to display general information about the ap...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:40, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Admin Containers (content was: "==General== Containers are used within our software to segment different objects from different users. The objects that...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:40, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Adding an iOS Device (content was: "'''Important: ''' Prior to adding any iOS devices, make sure that all user groups are configured with a default template f...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:40, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Adding a User Group (content was: "==Adding a New User Group== To add a new user group follow the steps below: #) Click on the Admin section #) Click on User...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:39, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Adding a User (content was: " To add a new user follow the steps below: #) Click on the Admin section #) Click on the Users & Groups button #) Click on...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:39, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Accessing the System (content was: "To access the system open up a web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari) and point it to the DNS name (exam...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 18:38, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page Access Control (content was: "Access control readers can be configured to start and/or stop a recording with the Valt software. Readers are tied to roo...", and the only contributor was "IVSWikiBlue" (talk))
- 15:28, 18 July 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page File:Rec2Info.jpg
- 09:52, 10 April 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page File:2019ValtInstall2.png
- 09:51, 10 April 2019 IVSWikiBlue (talk | contribs) deleted page File:2019ValtInstall2.png